Atlantic Long-Standing Families
Table of Contents
For fast navigation, click the points to be taken to where they are on the page.Elaine and JC Davis
Fulcher Family
Hill Family
Mason Family
![Martha Styron Mason](
![Sadie Mason](
![Sadie Mason](
Morris Family
![Alfred Morris and Mamie Fulcher Morris](
![Anita Morris](
![Boyd Styron with a friend and Norvie Morris in a bar on Staten Island](
![Tony Morris _Judy Golden_Ray Talent Anita's 53 Ford.jpg](
![Wallace _ Wally Morris 1-11-2014 1-31-52 PM.jpg](
![Wallace Anita _ Paul Morris 1-11-2014 2-06-02 PM.jpg](
Luther and Helen Wells Smith
Styron Family
![Alexina, Joyce, and Wallace Styron](
![Boyd Styron and Joe Gillikin](
![Boyd Styron](
![Core Sound Loop Road in 1960 with clams anbd mullets Boyd Styron a friend shipmate and son.jpg](
![Deed of Wallace Stryons Outer Banks 50 acres 1-11-2014 11-38-11 AM.jpg](
![Jones Styron father of Wallace Styron and a Saulter 1-11-2014 11-21-37 AM.jpg](
![Wallace Styron with wife Alexina Ives Styron with Joyce Meads the grand daughter lives in Sterling.jpg](
![Wallace Styron _owner of the Valeria and the Alma _ Alma Styron Fulchers father and Diana Wright.jpg](
![Zilphia Styon_sister of Wallace Styron _ unknown 1-11-2014 11-18-33 AM.jpg](
Willis Family
![Clyde and Julie Willis](
![David Ellis Willis](
![Ferrin Willis](
Genealogy Document
Other Photos of Atlantic Families
![Anita Ruby _ Nancy 1-11-2014 1-31-52 PM.jpg](
![IMG.jpg 1-11-2014 2-19-18 PM.jpg](
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