Promise land Stories vol. II

Waste Not by Rodney Kemp

The Wonderful Memories Keep Stirring In My Mind by Georgia Rae Guthrie Dickinson

The Tom Elmira Guthrie Family

The Promiselander Meets a Debutante

The O’Neals of the Promise Land

The Missing Spoons

The Last Time Uncle Gib Went Whaling

The Fulchers

The Family of Ed and Dorothy Bedsworth Oglesby by Carolyn Ogles


The Fairy Dust Of Bogue Sound


The Day Old Ma Left the Banks


The Black Spider in the Kitchen


Sugarloaf Island


Shore Whalers and Fishermen of Shackleford


Sandra Garlene Guthrie


Remembering Ruby and Karo


Promise Landers Marry Marines


Promise Land Memories


Promise Land Gang


Promise Land Colloquialisms




Our Neighbors - The Mizelles


Once Upon A Special Time