Harkers Island
Promise Land
Cedar Island
Sea Level
Core Sound Communities
Harkers Island
Promise Land
Cedar Island
Sea Level
Promise land Stories vol. III
Table of Contents
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Dedication by Shannon Adams
Epilogue by Bob Guthrie
Erma Louise Guthrie by Marian Gaskins Davis
Exodus of the Cape Bankers by Sharon Orleans Lawrence
First Love by Betty Marie Adams Riggs Holt
Fish Hauls by Kay Pittman
Gleaning Along The Railroad Tracks On Arendell Street by Eva Adelaide Guthrie Willis
Grandfather Devine Fredrick Guthrie By Marian Gaskins Davis
Halcyon Marie Guthrie by Kim Bell Wichtl
Harrison and Theda Guthrie by Adolya Guthrie
Hurricane Hazel by Hannah Gay Murrill Warren
John Shackleford by Wayne Willis
Kinship - Generations Deep by Karen Willis Amspacher
Little George Bedsworth
Lt. Harvey Edward Willis by Judith Ann Willis Bass
Macajah Adams by Phyllis O’Boyle Gentry
Memories of a Promise Land Boy by Barbara Dawn Guthrie Humphries
Memories of Mama by Barbara Dawn Guthrie Humphreys
Memories of Mama by Gretchen Guthrie Guthrie
Men of the Sea by Amanda Willis
My Branch of the Willis Tree by Thurman Douglas Willis
My Mother - Margaret Willis Guthrie by Barbara Ann Spano
My Neighbor-Miss Dollie By Eva Adelaide Guthrie Willis
My Scary Adventure On Bogue Sound by Barbara Ann Spano
Dedication by Shannon Adams
Mary Laura Guthrie Austin - present
Mary Laura and Kelly Guthrie ca 1944
Mary Laura and Toby Charles Guthrie ca 1945
Mary Laura Guthrie Austin - past
Epilogue by Bob Guthrie
Erma Louise Guthrie by Marian Gaskins Davis
Billie Louise Gaskins (1936 - )
Britney Louise Willis Guthrie (1879-1974)
Erma Louise Guthrie Gaskins (1907-1936)
Marian Louise Gaskins (Grandfather in the swing - Devine F Guthrie 1859 - 1938)
Marian Louise Gaskins, Britney Louise Willis Guthrie (1879-1974), Melva Joyce Gaskins (1929-2009)
Melva Joyce (1927-2009), Erma Louise (1907-1936), and Marian Louise Gaskins (1925- )
Melva Joyce and Marian Louise Gaskins
Melva Joyce, Erma Louise, Marian Louise Gaskins
Wm. David (1905-1976) and Billie Louise Gaskins (father and daughter)
Wm. David (1905-1976) and Marian Louise Gaskins (1925 - ) (father and daughter)
Exodus of the Cape Bankers by Sharon Orleans Lawrence
First Love by Betty Marie Adams Riggs Holt
Fish Hauls by Kay Pittman
Gleaning Along The Railroad Tracks On Arendell Street by Eva Adelaide Guthrie Willis
Grandfather Devine Fredrick Guthrie By Marian Gaskins Davis
Halcyon Marie Guthrie by Kim Bell Wichtl
Harrison and Theda Guthrie by Adolya Guthrie
Harrison and Theda Guthrie
Harrison Guthrie
Hurricane Hazel by Hannah Gay Murrill Warren
Hannah Gay Murrill - First Grade ca. 1954
Hannah Gay, Nettie, and David Murrill
John Shackleford by Wayne Willis
Kinship - Generations Deep by Karen Willis Amspacher
Alma Willis Van Horn, Sadie Willis Howland, Nettie Willis Murrill, Hannah Murrill c 1953
Hannah Gay, Nettie, and David Murrill
Nettie and Bill Murrill
Nettie Murrill 1964
Nettie Murrill ca 1999
Nettie Willis Murrill
Seated-Aunt Julie, David Murrill, Mammy-Hannah, Jimmy Howland, John Mayberry, Bill Murrill. Standing-Lettie, Nettie Willis Murril
Little George Bedsworth
Bedsworth Family ca 1950s
Bedsworth Family ca 2013
Capt Ottis, George Perry, George Bedsworth ca 1936
George _Georgie_ Bedsworth II
George and Doris Bedsworth with grandchildren Christian and Allison
George and Doris Bedsworth
George Bedsworth ca 1959
George Bedsworth ca WWII era
George Bedsworth WWII Draft Card
George Bedsworth
Georgie Bedsworth, Jimmy Williams, Brenda and Beverly Fulcher ca 1959
Georgie, Lucy, Allison, and Christian ca mid 80s
Little George holding grandson, Craig ca 1968
Pearl Bedsworth
Sallie Belle Bedsworth Bisette
Sarita Bedsworth and David Murrill ca mid 40s
Sarita Bedsworth Thompson
Vernon _ Sarita Bedsworth Thompson ca 1964
Vernon Craig Thompson _ Christi Bedsworth Thompson Piner (grandchildren)
Lt. Harvey Edward Willis by Judith Ann Willis Bass
1311 Shepard St
Ada Frances Willis - born at Cape Banks abt 1861
Ada Francis Willis, Litha Willis, and Oma Willis
Ada Francis Willis
Elenous Guthrie _ Charles Wesley Willis
Harvey Edward Willis and Judith Ann Willis Bass ca early 40s
Harvey Edward Willis ca 1927
Harvey Edward Willis ca 1930s
Harvey Edward Willis in Alaska (Coast Guard) ca 1951
Teluthia (1889-1957) and John Willis
William Henry (1861-1922) _ Ada Frances Willis (1860-1940)
Macajah Adams by Phyllis O’Boyle Gentry
1950, 1951
Macajah Adams
Macajah Adams at his shop at the landing c 1946
Macajah Adams, Lorenzo Warren Styron c 1920
Macajah Adams
Memories of a Promise Land Boy by Barbara Dawn Guthrie Humphries
Promise Land playmates, Barbara Dawn Guthrie Humphreys, Guylene Schaaf, Ben Allen Guthrie (deceased) at 1210 Shackleford Ave. Ca
Top- Phyllis Smith Weeks, Barbara Dawn Guthrie, Bottom - Guylene Guthrie, Ben Allen Guthrie
Memories of Mama by Barbara Dawn Guthrie Humphreys
Memories of Mama by Gretchen Guthrie Guthrie
Men of the Sea by Amanda Willis
Amanda Willis
My Branch of the Willis Tree by Thurman Douglas Willis
Capt Seef
Whale Gun
Josephus and Rebecca Willis
Vannie and Ernestin (Tanie) Willis
Thurman and Maude Willis
Thurman and Thurman Douglas Willis
Vannie and Thurman Willis
My Mother - Margaret Willis Guthrie by Barbara Ann Spano
My Neighbor-Miss Dollie By Eva Adelaide Guthrie Willis
My Scary Adventure On Bogue Sound by Barbara Ann Spano
Barbara Ann Guthrie Spano