Promise land Stories vol. III

Dedication by Shannon Adams

Epilogue by Bob Guthrie

Erma Louise Guthrie by Marian Gaskins Davis

Exodus of the Cape Bankers by Sharon Orleans Lawrence

First Love by Betty Marie Adams Riggs Holt

Fish Hauls by Kay Pittman

Gleaning Along The Railroad Tracks On Arendell Street by Eva Adelaide Guthrie Willis

Grandfather Devine Fredrick Guthrie By Marian Gaskins Davis

Halcyon Marie Guthrie by Kim Bell Wichtl


Harrison and Theda Guthrie by Adolya Guthrie


Hurricane Hazel by Hannah Gay Murrill Warren


John Shackleford by Wayne Willis


Kinship - Generations Deep by Karen Willis Amspacher


Little George Bedsworth


Lt. Harvey Edward Willis by Judith Ann Willis Bass


Macajah Adams by Phyllis O’Boyle Gentry


Memories of a Promise Land Boy by Barbara Dawn Guthrie Humphries


Memories of Mama by Barbara Dawn Guthrie Humphreys


Memories of Mama by Gretchen Guthrie Guthrie


Men of the Sea by Amanda Willis


My Branch of the Willis Tree by Thurman Douglas Willis


My Mother - Margaret Willis Guthrie by Barbara Ann Spano


My Neighbor-Miss Dollie By Eva Adelaide Guthrie Willis

My Scary Adventure On Bogue Sound by Barbara Ann Spano