Promise land Stories vol. IV
Table of Contents
For fast navigation, click the points to be taken to where they are on the page.Crab In My Pocket
Cousin Walter Lewis
Walter Lewis and Methodist Mens Club ca early 1950s
Walter Lewis and Harold Sewell
CHARLES WESLEY WILLIS (1204 Shepard Street)
Caroline Willis Melke By Bob Guthrie
Caroline Willis Melke
Caroline Willis Melke ca 1951
Capt. Gib Willis and Bill, his pet pelican by Hannah Gay Murrill Warren
Capt Ottis Purifoy
Capt Ottis 2
Capt Ottis 3
Capt Ottis 4
Capt Ottis and George Perry
Capt Ottis ca 1955
Capt Ottis Fishhouse ca 1960
Capt Ottis News and Observer ca 1965
Capt Ottis WWII Draft Card
Capt Ottis, George Bedsworth, and George Perry
Capt Ottis, George Perry, George Bedsworth ca 1936
Capt Ottis, Tommy Swanson, Roy Purifoy late 40s
Capt Ottis
CaptOttis 5
George Bedsworth, Capt Ottis, and George Perry ca late 30s
George Perry and Capt Ottis ca 1974
Louis, Tommy, Richard Swanson, Myrtle Willis Purifoy
Myrtle Willis ca 1956
Myrtle Willis Purifoy ca 1955 1
Noah Radford _ Sallie Bell Styron Purifoy (Capt Ottis_ parents)
Our Santa
Purifoy Family at 2300 Fisher St ca. Nov 1959
Shearwater and Barracuda ca late 1930s
Wilmington Star-News Ad ca 29 May 1955
Capt Gib Willis by Hannah Gay Murrill Warren
Gib Willis between 13th and 14th Streets surrounded by net spreads
Capt Gib and Bill ca 1948
Alma Willis Van Horn, Sadie Willis Howland, Nettie Willis Murrill, Hannah Murrill c 1953
Alma Willis VanHorn (at The Landing)
Bill and Barry Murrill 1965
Bill Murrill
Capt Gib Willis
Capt. Fred Willis
David Murril w Johnny Mayberry
David Murrill
Hannah and Alma
Hannah and Gib Davis
Hannah M. Warren - 1311.5 Shackleford in background (Adams train caboose)
Hannah Murrill Warren (2)
Hannah, Nettie, David Murrill. 405 S. 14th St.
John R. Mayberry, Jr.
Lula Willis Willis
Nettie and Bill Murrill
Nettie Murrill 1964
Nettie Willis Murrill
Pennsylvania Willis and Josephus Willis, Jr.-02
Seated-Aunt Julie, David Murrill, Mammy-Hannah, Jimmy Howland, John Mayberry, Bill Murrill. Standing-Lettie, Nettie Willis Murril
William Edward Murrill c 1935
Boddie Perry by Byron Garrison Beall
Boddie Perry
Automatic Collard Washer by Julie Lee Guthrie Fulcher
Barbara Dawn Guthrie at old Ft Macon Station ca 1957
Barbara Dawn Guthrie Humphreys playing at the Landing ca. 1946
Barbara Dawn Guthrie
Bugsy, Debbie, and Julie Guthrie
Debbie and Bugsy Guthrie
Debbie Guthrie
Donald Gray Guthrie 1916-2001. Father of Barbara Dawn, Donald Gray, Jr., Deborah Allen Burns, and Julie Fulcher
Elijah Clayton Guthrie - 1889-1968 father of Donald Gray Guthrie and James Guthrie
Gretchen _ Debbie Guthrie
Julie _ Donald Guthrie
Julie _ Gretchen Guthrie ca 1967
Aunt Hank by Hannah Gay Murrill Warren
Aunt Hank
Assault on Gloria M by Thomas Brinson
An Idyllic Special Time By Phyllis O’Boyle Gentry
A Summer Adventure By Phyllis O’Boyle Gentry
A Special Time and Place by Genevieve Tuten Youraine
1308 Shepard St. (home of Cicero _ Marinia Guthrie (origin. Diamond City_Shackelford Bks)
1308 Shepard Street - Samantha Tuten house ca 1955
Cecil Tuten - 7th grade
Cecil Tuten c 1940_s
Cicero Guthrie _ Marina Guthrie-Guthrie
Cicero Guthrie
Deed for 1308 Shepard St. (2)
Family at 1308 Shepard St. ca. 1980_s
Freida, Cecil, Genevieve c. 1936
Great GMama, Grandaddy Grandmama Donna age 4
Lawrence F. Tuten and Samantha Guthrie c. 1928
Lawrence Frank Tuten, Samantha Guthrie
Marinia Guthrie, Darrell Shepherd c 1948
Marinia, Frank, Samantha, Donna c.1956
Samantha Guthrie Tuten , Alida Willis c 1980_s
Samantha Guthrie Tuten and Frieda c 1930
A Forever Grateful Promise Lander by Ann Lewis Garner
Collage 3
Collage 4
Collage 5
Collage 1
Collage 2
Elizabeth Ann Lewis Garner in front of the homeplace 1300 Shepard St (grand granddau of James _ Easter)
Elizabeth Fay Lewis
Eric Lewis 1
Eric Lewis 2
Eric Lewis 3
Eric Lewis, Nellie O_Neal, Williard Garner, Susan Guthrie, Miquel Garner
Etta _ Eric Lewis, Mama _ Daddy
Etta Lewis _ Zenovia Guthrie 1300 Shepard St
Hettie Ann Guthrie Lewis and dau Etta Mae Lewis Lewis
James C Guthrie, Jr.
Patsy Lawrence in front of 1412 Shackleford St
Unknown and Willard Daniel Lewis
Williard Lewis ca 1954
1910-20 Census
1411 Shepard Street by Eva Adelaide Guthrie Willis
Addie and Agnew Guthrie
Adelaide Guthrie and Mr. John T. and Miss Bobbie Mason
Agnew Guthrie and Kerry Ray Lupton mending nets
Agnew Guthrie and Kerry Ray Lupton
Agnew Guthrie_s boat, The Cow
Agnew, Ray, Ruth, and Clara Guthrie ca1931
Clara Belle Sutton Guthrie
Clara Guthrie (bow) and sister Mattie, around 1915 at Oxford Orphanage
Clara Guthrie 1925
Clara Guthrie, Agnew Guthrie holding Ruth, Eva Guthrie. Bottom row- Ray Guthrie, Lesley
Clara Guthrie
Clara, Ruth, and Ray Guthrie
Margaret and Adelaide Willis
Margaret Guthrie (daughter of Agnew and Clara Guthrie) ca 1942-43
Margaret Guthrie age 11
Nymphus Congleton (Clara_s brother-in-law) with Ruth, Clara, Margaret, and Adelaide Guthrie
Ray McDonald Guthrie 1931
Ray McDonald Guthrie
Ray, Clara, Ruth (back row) and Margaret and Adelaide Guthrie
Ruth Guthrie Lupton McKay about 1948
Sally Guthrie Willis and Walter Guthrie
1313 one half Shepard by Sally Lumpkin
A Promiselandher Has Come Home
Mimmie_s house
Sally Davis and Sally Dee Oct 1962
Sally Dee Strollo Lumpkin Easter 1971
Sally Lawrence Davis
1305 and a half Shackleford Street by Bill Downey
1305.5 Shackleford ca1970s 1
Bill May and unk child. Boathouse in background was for the Edwards house, which now belongs to Mason Williams
Capt Gib_s sailboat ca1954
Helen and Robert Downey
Helen Downey ca1954
Martha Walters, Bob May_s granddaughter ca Early 60s
Robert Downey, Bill_s father ca 1980s.
Robert May ca 1970
1302 Shackleford Street
Floyd Willis - News Times Article - May 26, 1980
Floyd Willis - News Times Article - May 26, 1980
1302 Shackleford Street Article
Betsy Ellen Bonner, Annetta Nixon, Carolyn Ruth Willis, Richard P. Willis c 1957
Carolyn Ruth Willis Jubb c. 1955
Carolyn Ruth_s Mom
Edward (Ned) Willis
Estelle Willis and Carolyn Ruth Jubb
Estelle Willis01
Estelle Willis05
Floyd Willis
Gene Thomas Willis 1945
Gene Thomas Willis 2
Jackie Arnold Willis, Patricia Jane Willis Luther c. 1944
Jerry Wayne Willis (Note the Davis Net House down the street)
Jerry Wayne Willis, Gene Thomas Willis
Nellie Styron Willis, and Carolyn Willis Jubb
Patricia Jane Willis Luther
Patricia Jane Willis
Richard Payne Willis
1300 Shackleford Street Being Born a Promise Lander by Cassie Steed
Rufus & Clyde Guthrie - 1949
Kay Guthrie Pittman & Judy Guthrie Connor
Kay Guthrie
Deanie Adams,Geraldine Murrill,Beadie Lewis,Edith Faye,Barbara Ann,Patricia,Mary Clyde Willis,David Murrill,Guylene,Kay, Cassie
Cassie Guthrie 1954
Cassie Guthrie & Hattie Dee Davis - 1949
Beverly Austin,Donna Ray Merrill,Cassie (cake),Donnie Mann,Linda Phillips,EC Ballou,Janice Edwards,Carol Ann,Darlene Leonard Harris,Ida Frances Smith 1954
1300 Shackelford St 2
1300 Shackelford St
The Promise Land Book Volume II MASTER
The Landing Shoreline COVER
14th _ Shepard Street - Lindsey Guthrie_s store ca 1979 1
14th _ Shepard Street - Lindsey Guthrie_s store ca 1979
1212 Shakleford St - Carol _ Charles Edwards with grand daughter, Pam Cox
1304 Shepard St - 1st-Doris Tommie, John Ballou, Frank Wickizer, Eunice-2nd-Mary Elizabeth, Joan, Kathleen, Hinby, Edward,McNeel
1306 Shepard Street - Alida Willis_s house ca 1979
1930s Waterfront
1950s Waterfront
1958 MH Contest unk,JoAnn Parson,unk,Barbara Harrell,Barbara Dawn Guthrie, Nona Blanchard,Deanna Ballous, Deanie Adams
Ann Thomas Lewis, Ann Wickizer, Ann Long Wickizer and Carolyn Guthrie Green
Bobby Lawrence Easter 1938
Bryant, Georgia Rae, and Amy Guthrie
Downtown Morehead ca 1946
Edward Louis Wickizer, Sr.
Geraldine Merrill and R.A. Merrill
Geraldine Merrill
John Samuel Parker Sr. in his store on S 11th street, behind his house at 1013 Evans St.
Julia Lewis Askew
Kathleen Eldred Home. Etta Lewis, Patsy Humphrey, Debra Rhue, Ella G. Smith, Ruby Wickizer, Madeline Austin
Kemp Wickizer, Sr on the boat _Dance_
Laura Adams, Nick Shrader, Deanie, Bill, and Phyllis (Geraldine Murrill standing)
Lindsey Guthrie_s store - Alfred Smith, Baby Rita, Helen Lewis Grasser, Alva Bell Guthrie, _ Terry Willis
Louise and Kenneth Guthrie, Madeline Gould Austin
Manley Styron ca mid 40s
Margaret Guthrie, Johnny Morris,Adelaide Guthrie, and Glenda Kay Mizelle
Mary Hughes, Thelma Barnette, Ann Hardy, Ann Long, Jeraldine Hedgecock, Carolyn Guthrie
Mickey, Ruben, Kenneth Guthrie
Morehead Waterfront late 60s
Norman Lewis, Jr, Varina O_Neal, David Murrill, Patricia Lewis ca 1944
Patsy Lawrence, Tressa O_Neal, Deanie Adams, and Phyllis O_Boyle ca 1955
Paul O_Neal _ Tana Smith 1410 Shackleford St
Promise Land Girls
Promise Land Girls2
S 14th Street - Judy Willis ca 1938
Selma Sherwood and Ruth Guthrie
The Landing Shoreline (From 9th St. Davies Net House is large building 1200 block of Shackleford St)