Promise land Stories vol. IV

Crab In My Pocket

Cousin Walter Lewis

CHARLES WESLEY WILLIS (1204 Shepard Street)

Caroline Willis Melke By Bob Guthrie

Capt. Gib Willis and Bill, his pet pelican by Hannah Gay Murrill Warren

Capt Ottis Purifoy

Capt Gib Willis by Hannah Gay Murrill Warren

Boddie Perry by Byron Garrison Beall

Automatic Collard Washer by Julie Lee Guthrie Fulcher


Aunt Hank by Hannah Gay Murrill Warren


Assault on Gloria M by Thomas Brinson


An Idyllic Special Time By Phyllis O’Boyle Gentry


A Summer Adventure By Phyllis O’Boyle Gentry


A Special Time and Place by Genevieve Tuten Youraine


A Forever Grateful Promise Lander by Ann Lewis Garner


1910-20 Census


1411 Shepard Street by Eva Adelaide Guthrie Willis


1313 one half Shepard by Sally Lumpkin


1305 and a half Shackleford Street by Bill Downey


1302 Shackleford Street


1300 Shackleford Street Being Born a Promise Lander by Cassie Steed


The Promise Land Book Volume II MASTER

